17 Ways to Brighten Your Spouse’s Day

It’s the little things that brighten our day, like the person who rings just to check how you are because they haven’t seen you for a while. Like the friend who rings to cheer you on and encourage you when you’re feeling down after bad news. It’s the little things in marriage that are important too. What things? Here’s a check list of little ways you can encourage your spouse and let them know you love them. See how many you can add to your marriage this week. 1. Encourage your spouse when they take on something new. 2. You … Continue reading

What Do You See?

What do you see when you look at your spouse? The way we see a person often determines the way we respond to them and treat them. If we think someone is judging us or looking down on us or finding fault with us, we are more likely to respond by becoming defensive. Putting on an act to cover our insecurities is another way people often respond in such a scenario. What you think and feel and see when you look at your spouse matters. Do you see someone you love and someone who is interesting? Do you, despite the … Continue reading

Do You and Your Spouse Complement Each Other?

Do you complement each other? When we spent the day with another couple recently, Mick and I thought how well they complement each other. They are very different in a lot of ways yet, each one is the same in that they support and complement each other and encourage them in the jobs they are doing. Consequently their marriage works well because they work as a team. What one doesn’t have in the way of skills, the other one supplies. When one is struggling and feeling down their spouse is there to lift them up and love them and encourage … Continue reading