“Mom, I Was Worried About You”

In most cases, my kids could pretty much set their watches by me. While my personality is definitely spontaneous and I am willing to take risks and try new things, family life has also made me a rather reliable and loyal sort. I make plans, leave notes, and have tried to set an example for my kids of basic respect of time and commitments. The downside to all this responsibility is that when I do shake things up a bit and change my schedule—my kids get a bit worried! It is an interesting flip of karma for me since my … Continue reading

You’ve Really Got to CARE About Your Customers

There’s no getting around the fact that customers and clients (or readers, product users, etc.) are the very life-blood of our businesses. Without satisfied people who are purchasing our services or products, we don’t have an income and without an income, we don’t have a business. In order to keep our customers and clients happy and connected, we can’t just treat them like numbers and dollar signs. We really do have to care about our customers if we are going to create strong relationships and customer loyalty. I know that you’ve heard that you shouldn’t get too emotionally involved with … Continue reading

Is Your Home Business Keeping You Up at Night?

Stress is a fact of life—especially in this fast-paced, high-pressure modern world we all are living in. But, it can sometimes seem like taking on the challenges of a home-based or small business compounds those stressors ten-fold! Is your business stressful? Or are there realities and concerns that are causing you worry? Is your home business keeping you up at night? It is probably reasonable to expect that there will be some things about our businesses that keep us up at night—we might be worried about how to meet an order or how to negotiate a contract, or we might … Continue reading

Ask a Marriage Blogger: Isn’t Advocating for Gay Marriage Out of Line?

Your recent blog regarding gay marriage made it very clear that you advocate for gay marriage and that anyone who disagrees with that is prejudiced or a bigot. You write about how to take care and protect and strengthen your marriage and then you endorse a lifestyle that attacks marriage and wants to destroy it. Why? Isn’t this a site that promotes traditional family values? How is gay marriage promoting traditional values? Should you be ashamed of giving so much coverage to this issue? These are just two of the notes that I have received in the last week since … Continue reading