A Model to Follow

After a few excursions into various other topics I’ve finally returned to Nehemiah. In Nehemiah 9:I, the people of Israel gathered together. They fasted, they separated themselves from the other nationalities and they confessed their sins to God. They also read from the book of the law and worshiped the Lord their God, verse 3. They remembered what God had done and the way God had brought them and how He had fulfilled His promises to them. It is a good model for us to follow – one of confession of our sins and remembering and praising Him for all … Continue reading

Pray First, Then Act

The book of Nehemiah is not long – only 13 chapters, but it contains a great deal that is relevant to Christians today. In a way it is the other side of There’s a Need, So What? In Nehemiah 1 we see how God helps Nehemiah identify a need and then act upon that need. Jerusalem and its walls had been destroyed in the Babylonian invasion. Nehemiah hears from men from Judah about the situation facing the remnant that ‘had escaped and had survived the captivity,’ Nehemiah 1:2. When he heard the sad state of affairs, Nehemiah wept and mourned. … Continue reading