Confessions of a Foodie Mom, Week Four: Reflections on Parties, Pacing, and Polish Cabbage Rolls

We always attend a Labor Day party with extended family and friends. The hosts always provide hamburgers, hot dogs, kielbasa and bratwurst sausages, and golumpki, which are Polish cabbage rolls with meat filling. Everyone else brings an appetizer, salad/side dish, or dessert. I come from a foodie family. I’ve only recently become aware of how much we talk about food. My mom’s first question about any event is about the food. At this party, we always talk about the diverse things people have brought, and ooh and ahh over originality and and/or taste. To give you an idea of the … Continue reading

Confessions of a Stay-at-Home Wife

A couple of months ago I confessed that I was a stay-at-home wife and I explained how that had happened. I also admitted I was embarrassed about it, and laughed at an article that suggested stay-at-home wives were a new “trend.” Oh yeah, for a while there I was on a stay-at-home wife kick. I plan to revisit the issue briefly with some confessions about my life as a stay-at-home wife. As usual, comments are welcomed. I’ll be curious to hear what some of you have to say about this blog. Confession #1: Sometimes I Feel Guilty It’s not like … Continue reading

Confessions of a Fitness Blogger

Some days, I just don’t want to get out of bed. Some days, I just don’t know what to sit down and write when I pull up the screen. I have a confession to make, for someone who writes about fitness, enjoys fitness and works out regularly; I’ve been struggling for months to maintain my motivation, stay alert and just stay focused. It’s hard. Tell Me Something I Don’t Know Life is hard. I’ve always known this and I think hard work encourages a person to persevere beyond what they could do normally. That being said, I think that after … Continue reading

I Have a Confession to Make

Good morning readers, I have a confession to make. I turn 35 next April and I have been a smoker for nearly 20 years. Today, I am making a concerted effort to stop smoking altogether. I nearly did it when I was pregnant with my daughter, turning a nearly two pack a day habit down to just 4 cigarettes a day that lasted until I was done breast feeding and then somehow, went right back to where it was before. I’ve tried quitting before and the longest I lasted was six weeks with no cigarettes and then one day, all … Continue reading