Could Gun Insurance Be the Solution?

There have been two major topics of conversation that popped up after the tragedy that happened in Newtown, Connecticut. One idea is to require owners of firearms to purchase gun insurance. What do you think about that? What can we do to prevent a tragedy (like what happened at Sandy Hook Elementary School) from ever happening again? One idea that is floating around online involves the requirement that owners of firearms purchase gun insurance. John Wasik is a contributor at Forbes. He writes about investments, financial planning, and personal ecology. He wrote a blog post called “Newtown’s New Reality: Using … Continue reading

Insurance Woes for Police Responders at Newtown

Once can only imagine how difficult it must have been for the police officers that responded to the tragedy that happened at an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut. Some are so affected by what they saw that they cannot work. Their insurance company is not covering the care they require. By now, you have undoubtedly heard about the tragedy that happened at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. A gunman (whose name we have all heard many times over), shot and killed 26 people at the school. Twenty of them were young children. The entire nation was shocked by, … Continue reading

Parents of Kids with Autism Worry About Stigma

Parents of children who have autism, or Asperger’s Syndrome, are concerned. They worry that their child will now be stigmatized because of all the talk that indicated that the shooter in Connecticut had Asperger’s Syndrome. Autism Speaks has some helpful advice. Let me briefly summarize the background of this topic, for those who are unaware. First, there was the tragedy in Connecticut that happened when Adam Lanza went into an elementary school and started shooting. Following the tragedy, there were many responses. The President made a public speech. Several bloggers (myself included) wrote about some aspect of what happened. People … Continue reading

Clarification on Asperger’s Syndrome and Violence

By now, we have all heard the tragic news about the shooting that took place in an elementary school in Connecticut. Some say the shooter had Asperger’s Syndrome. Experts point out that there is no evidence of a link between violence like what happened and the existence of Asperger’s syndrome. A tragedy has occurred in Newtown, Connecticut. I do not have the words to express the grief and pain that the parents of the children who were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut must be feeling. Lacking that, I will instead quote part of what President Obama … Continue reading

A Little Tighter

In light of the horrific events yesterday I had to write a few words expressing my feelings as a mother. When I learned of the tragedy in Connecticut my heart sank into the pit of my stomach. These little children were my son’s age. Each time I looked at him I nearly broke into tears. This is every parent’s worst nightmare. I cannot imagine the intensity of the pain those parents are feeling as they are tucking their babies into bed tonight and finding that one of those beds will forever be empty. The loss of a child is by … Continue reading