How To: Use Consequences To Change Behavior

One problem we parents have is that we sometimes try to change our children’s behavior through screaming, yelling, nagging, punishing and other techniques that simply don’t work. A better way to change many behaviors is through the use of consequences. Consequences are generally logical or natural. A logical consequence is one that happens as a result of human intervention. If you speed and a policeman stops and gives you a ticket, then that’s a logical consequence of breaking the law. If your child does not do is science fair project, then his teacher will give him a failing grade. That’s … Continue reading

What We Miss

Sin is such an ugly, terrible part of life. In Romans 3:23 the Bible states that “ . . . all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” It is impossible to escape the temptations of this world. However, no matter how strong a temptation may be, Christians should realize there is always a way out of the situation. “No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that … Continue reading

Effective Discipline for Single Parents

All parents face a variety of challenges when faced with discipline. Single parents, however, face unique challenges when it comes to discipline. Being the sole enforcer of rules and then consequences and discipline can seem daunting and isn’t exactly an easy job. In addition, when you share your kids between two households, disciplinary methods used between the two households often cause confusion of rules and difficulty with discipline. One of the best ways to learn effective discipline strategies is to know the difference between Discipline and Punishment. They are not the same. According to the definition for Punishment is: … Continue reading

Why is Chastity So Important?

First, may I say how privileged I feel to be in association with the young men and young women of our church? My husband and I, within one month of marriage, were given charge of the 12-year-old Sunday School class in our new ward. The expressions of condolence and worry from ward members were puzzling as we walked from the chapel, apparently the children had gone through a number of teachers in the previous year. Alvin and I fell in love with those children and have continued to do the same with every class we’ve taught since that day. We … Continue reading

Are You a Helicopter Parent?

Envision a helicopter, full of supplies. Imagine it dipping and swooping, hovering over a soldier on the battlefield. If the solider forgets something important, it drops the necessary item. If the soldier is in trouble, it swoops him up and rescues him. If the soldier is facing difficult combat, it dives in and destroys the enemy on site. A handy asset for any soldier, right? Not if the soldier is a child, and the helicopter is her parent. That’s because children need to experience the natural consequences of their actions. If you hover over your child, rescuing her from consequences, … Continue reading