What Is E. Coli?

With the recent cases of E. coli infection in twenty states thanks to contaminated spinach from California, you may be wondering what it is, what it does, and how it spreads. Escherichia coli is a bacteria with hundreds of different strains. The current E. coli outbreak is specifically caused by E. Coli O157:H7, a leading cause of food borne illness. Every year in the United States, there are approximately 73,000 cases of E. coli infection. The bacteria was first recognized in 1982, when an outbreak of severe diarrhea and abdominal cramping was traced back to undercooked, contaminated hamburgers. How does … Continue reading

What You Need To Know About Contaminated Spinach

More than 170 people in twenty different states have been infected with E. coli from eating contaminated fresh spinach. Do you know what is safe to eat and what should end up in the trash? Here is all the important information you need about contaminated spinach and E. coli. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control is advising people to avoid fresh spinach that comes from Monterey County, San Benito County, and Santa Clara County in California. Spinach grown outside those three counties is safe for consumption. Frozen and canned spinach are safe for consumption. If you cannot verify the origin … Continue reading