U.S. Birthrate Increased Due to Older Moms

The overall birthrate in the United States has increased for the first time in seven years. In addition, the birthrate among teens has dropped. Where is the increase coming from? It turns out that the slight increase in births is due to older moms. The Verge reported some data from a report created by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Part of the report noted the birthrate in the United States for 2013 and 2014. In 2013, there were 62.5 births per 1,000 women. In 2014, that number slightly increased to 63 births per 1,000 women. The CDC … Continue reading

Contraception and Mental Illness

Contraception has given women choices about the timing and number of children they may have. But, like any drug, contraceptives have side-effects and we as consumers should be made aware of all of them. Including those that involve our mental health. Today’s blog tells the story of Emily. After marrying her childhood sweetheart, she decided to use a contraceptive implant as she and her husband wanted to wait a few years before having children. She was assured by her doctor that the implant was safe and would provide her with an effective means of contraception. What the doctor didn’t take … Continue reading

Emergency Contraception: Plan B

If you aren’t ready to start a family, you and your spouse should be careful about contraception. But mistakes can happen, regardless of how careful you are. Emergency contraception is safe, effective, and available without a prescription. Plan B is up to 89 percent effective in preventing pregnancy after unprotected sex. This FDA approved emergency contraception is not an “abortion pill” — it is a hormone (a form of progestin) that delays ovulation and effects the way the egg and sperm move through a woman’s reproductive system. In other words, the hormone makes it less likely that the two will … Continue reading