Building Self-Discipline In Children

Self-discipline is a trait that many children and adults in today’s world lack. They believe that they deserve what they want when they want it. They aren’t willing to work or wait for the things that they desire. Yet self-discipline or willpower is a trait that is valuable in school (see my blog about how willpower determines grades), work, and personal life. Dr. Cordelia Fine suggests that willpower is a “moral muscle that is flexing and straining as you keep attention focused on a dry academic article, bite back an angry retort to your boss, or decline a helping of … Continue reading

You Can’t Change Each Other (Or Can You?)

So many people go into marriage, thinking, “He’s not perfect, but I’ll change what I don’t like.” Men also think this way about women. The fact is none of us can simply force another person to change. We can’t just demand it, nor should we try. Instead, we often use subtler tactics such as manipulation, or we try to intimidate our spouses to behave as we think they should. However, if we use those tactics, we will find our mates changing, but that doesn’t mean it will be a good thing. If you were attracted to your wife because she … Continue reading

“LADY, get control of your KID!”

Those of us with behaviorally disordered kids get them all the time: Stares. Glares. Looks of indignation. Eye rolls. Huffs. Puffs. Expressions that say, “Lady, get control of your kid!” So this blog is dedicated to those people who shoot the looks of disapproval. Dear shoppers on the run, strangers waiting in line, and cashiers at the counter, It may look like I have failed miserably at raising a well-behaved child. He appears to be an ordinary kid who somehow turned into a monster from bad parenting. And maybe he is irritating you. Maybe you’re annoyed beyond belief at my … Continue reading