Travel Gadget Product Review

I am a sucker for travel gadgets. (Truthfully, I am a sucker for any product that claims to make life easier.) It is dangerous for me to watch television late at night—a time when most channels air infomercials advertising the latest and greatest must-have items. I have gotten to the point where I don’t automatically grab the phone and start dialing (yes, I have made progress), but there was an item featured on TV the other night that I was convinced was worth a phone call. I ended up mustering enough willpower to avoid calling and instead headed to my … Continue reading

More Ways to Keep Your Home Cool

There are many ways to help keep your home cool during warmer months. Some are simple yet effective, while others require more effort and expense. However, even those that require a bit of an investment of both time and money are worth it. For example, if you add awnings to your home, you’ll keep out direct sunlight and keep the temperature down inside your home (not to mention preventing your paint, carpet, furniture, and accessories from fading). This will save you money in the long term. Another addition to your home that will help keep things cool and keep energy … Continue reading