What Are You Paying for Milk in August?

Every once in a while, I check on milk prices. It seems to me that you can judge a lot about whether the cost of groceries are increasing or decreasing by looking at the prices for the basic staples, such as milk. It can also give a good indication about the cost of living in certain regions of the country. The United States Department of Agriculture keeps track of retail milk prices by going out and taking a sample of these prices throughout different states. They then publish a report on their findings. Here is a quick view at the … Continue reading

More On The Price Of Milk

After reading Mary Ann’s blog, What Are You Paying For Milk In January, I noticed that the St. Louis, Missouri average for milk was left off. Well, I am in the St. Louis Metro area, and was curious about our averages for milk right now, so I decided to research it myself. So here is what the St. Louis Metro area of Missouri is paying for milk right now, at several different grocery stores. The first thing I did to research these prices, was to grab my price book and see what I had written down. The problem is, that … Continue reading