Taking Children with you to the Courthouse

Earlier today, I covered the fact that there is a world of difference between jobs that allow you to stay at home and do them, vs the ones that allow you to work from home, but not at home. People are usually very interested in courthouse research, until they realize that it isn’t done at home, and then they start to panic. “What am I going to do with my kids?” Since I have no kids, I usually tend to be at a loss for a good answer, but luckily, I have seen other mothers answer this question, and so … Continue reading

Reason #176 I Love Working at Home

Reason #176 I love working at home? I don’t actually have to be at home to do it. As I sit and type this, I am at my parent’s house, three hours from home. My in-laws are on their way to a conference, and they offered to let me tag along for the ride, in order to visit my parents. It wasn’t out of their way (my parents only live two minutes off the freeway, so it was easy to drop me off and keep going) but it was still awfully nice of my in-laws to make the offer. They … Continue reading