Lessons in Common Courtesy at the Grocery Store

I don’t know why but lately common courtesy has become a real pet peeve of mine, or should I say the lack of it. So I have been really focusing on teaching it to my children because with the amount of adults who lack it, the next generation is sure to not catch it. The one place that I find this to be the truest is in the grocery store. Perhaps I am just too sensitive to the issue but it has gotten to a point where I absolutely dread going to the store because I know that I will … Continue reading

The Greatest Influence

What or who would you describe as being the greatest influence on your life? That was a question asked recently of Brett Kirk and the footballer, a legend here in Australia and especially in Sydney, said his wife Hayley was the greatest influence on his life. What a lovely comment that is. It made me wonder how many of us would like to be described that way by our spouse or how many of us can describe our spouse that way. I know Mick is a great influence on my life. He is always there to cheer on and encourage … Continue reading

Those Little Things Do Matter

Sometimes in marriage it’s not the big earth shattering events that become the problem. Yes, I have heard of marriages that fall apart because of major events like illness, the death of child, dealing with infertility or with a disabled child, but other times it is the little things that build up over the course of a day or week or longer which cause the problem. . The other day was one of those days where things continually went wrong. You know the kind I mean, where you forget things or things slip through your hands and shatter on the … Continue reading

Did the Olympics Inspire You?

While the Olympic games may be behind us now (at least until the Summer Games in 2012), the Olympic spirit may stick with you long after the Closing Ceremonies. And you don’t have to be an Olympic-level athlete to let the Games inspire you to better health! Olympic Inspiration Number One: introduction to new sports. It seems like they add new sports to the Games each year — one I’d never seen or heard of before this year was ski cross. But it sure looked like fun: four athletes side-by-side on a course that includes turns, jumps, and fast-paced passes. … Continue reading

What Type of Man Do You Want?

Is your man a gentleman and is that what you want? Let me give you an example of what I mean. Yesterday at school my husband opened the door and held it open for a young woman struggling with a baby in a pram. And you know what? I’m glad he did. I’m glad he treats women with courtesy and respect and I told him so. In his eyes he hadn’t done anything out of the ordinary. Because that’s he way he is. But it still doesn’t hurt, to let him know I think it’s good. I’ve noticed some men … Continue reading

Showing Love of Life

How much do you take your marriage and your life for granted? Is it obvious from your attitudes that you are happy in your marriage and that you love life? This was brought home to Mick and I last night as we went to a concert by the Watoto Children’s Choir. For the first time in ten days Mick was able to stand up and walk a little and so we went to the free concert. The Watoto Children’s Choir from Uganda consists of children made orphans through Aids. As they told their stories in between singing and dancing, you … Continue reading

Embracing Frugality

Although we started practicing a frugal lifestyle to allow me to stay home with our first child, since then we have come a long way to embracing the lifestyle. A lot of it, I think has to do with attitude. We’ve gone from thinking, “How on earth can we figure out hoe we can afford to live?” to “I wonder what new opportunities will come our way today!” When you really embrace frugality, you don’t have time to moan about what you don’t have, because you are too busy living life and enjoying it. You’ve cut off the bad part … Continue reading

Rain or Shine, My Pets Are There

This hasn’t been a very easy year for me. In fact, of all my years on this Earth to date, this past one has been the most trying by far. And the most blues-filled. One After the Other It started last summer when we tried to move back to Jacksonville. Thankfully plans changed, but instead of life sailing along unencumbered as I’d hoped, I got sick in November –the same week Wayne moved home and we left to go to Denver for Thanksgiving. Then Wayne got sick, and I had a relapse and fell ill again. Come January and February … Continue reading

Impossible Goals can Hurt You

Setting goals can be an important way to encourage yourself and build a business. Many of us need those goals to dangle like carrots and keep us moving forward and staying motivated. Setting goals that are too lofty, however, or ones that are overly-ambitious or impossible can actually hurt us—they can keep us from moving forward and growing our business operations. Setting reasonable goals—ones that require us to work and stretch in order to reach them, but not work endlessly without getting there—can be an important motivator. It is encouraging to be able to check things off our list and … Continue reading

Change What You’re Looking At, and Change Your Perspective

Sitting in the same desk, looking at the same wall, or having the same photos of your kids as babies staring back at you can be reassuring. You know what to expect and you feel comfortable and at home. It can also get boring, stifling, and keep you from seeing the world from a fresh perspective. It might be necessary to change what you look at while you work in order to get new inspiration. This strategy of changing the environment to jump-start inspiration is not new. In fact, it is the philosophy behind retreats, vacations and even going out … Continue reading