Internet Romance: In All the Old Unfamiliar Places

One of the freedoms that have come into play in Iraq is difficult for the conservative nation and there are more than a few who consider it dangerous. The Internet has arrived in post-invasion Iraq and parents are more than a little concerned about the fact that their sons and daughters are going to be able to meet each other through the Internet and they can’t observe them or safely chaperone their topics of discussion. Some parents have discovered their children chatting in unsupervised conversations and removed the computer from their homes. It’s important to recognize that Iraq is a … Continue reading

Courting vs. Dating

Though I can’t speak too much for generations before my time, there does appear to be more negative types of peer pressure on teens nowadays. There are pressures to have a boyfriend or a girlfriend, to party, have sex, try illegal substances, dress in ways that bring unsafe attention to them… What are some things we can do to help our children to grow up safe and pure? Though I won’t claim to have all the answers, I’ve talked with some teens in the past and gathered some perspective in how to do this. Every teen is an individual. It … Continue reading