A Great Thing about a Home Business: Not Listening to Coworkers Talk to Themselves

Periodically, I like to have a little fun with counting the blessings of the home business owners. Sure, there are those times when I really get a bit envious of those who march off to the traditional job with the great company and the mega-benefits, but other times, I really like to think of the things that I do not have to deal with when I am working at home. Just about anything having to do with coworkers is a good start in the gratefulness department and one of the things that I truly appreciate when I am working at … Continue reading

One of the Great Things About a Home Business—Not Dealing with Other People’s “Energy”

I realize that one of the things I love and most cherish about working at home on my home business projects is that I am not in an office, surrounded by other people’s “energy” and “vibes.” Having worked in all sorts of office situations, I know that there are times when a couple of stressed, ill, or snarky coworkers can change the energy of the entire workplace. I love when I do not have to tend to other people’s negative, hyper, or tense energy! I suppose it makes me sound a bit anti-social, and I really am not. I am … Continue reading

What I Love About My Home-Business—I Don’t Have to Do Co-workers’ Dirty Dishes!

When I was writing yesterday about what a pleasure it is to not have to deal with crabby and moody coworkers when I am working at home, I couldn’t help but start thinking about other coworker “stuff” that I do not miss from the more traditional job—mainly having to deal with other people’s dirty dishes in the lunch or break room! That was one of those things I never really understood about human behavior when I was working the full time jobs—those individuals who left their dirty dishes and coffee cups in the sink. Some people did it under the … Continue reading

What I Love About a Home Business—Not Having to Deal with Crabby, Moody Co-workers

One of the realities of working in a traditional job with an office full of co-workers, is that one often has to put up with moodiness, crabbiness and other behaviors from our co-workers. Sure, it can be character-building and help us develop tolerance and appreciation for the differences in other people, but when one is working from her own home-based business—this is not as big of a factor. Okay, so we still have to deal with moody customers or clients and we might even also be coping with our crabby children during the work day—but all in all, we are … Continue reading

What I Don’t Miss About Co-workers

There are some really fabulous things that come from working in a group and I have made some great and lasting friendships with people who were originally coworkers. But, when I am working in my home business, there are definitely some things that I do not miss that come with coworkers… I do not miss having to pick up the slack and do someone else’s work. I know that seems like an incredibly obvious coworker complaint, but I am one of those people who gets fairly crabby when I have to do stuff that is really in someone else’s job … Continue reading

Don’t Work too Hard – No one Notices Anyway

I was just browsing online, when I came across this immensely hilarious, but also terribly tragic story (located here) where a gentleman is dies at work while sitting at his desk–heart attack–and no one notices for five days. How could this possibly happen? From the article: “George was always the first guy in each morning, and the last to leave each night, so no one found it unusual that he was in the same position all that time and didn’t say anything. He was always absorbed in his work and kept pretty much to himself.” Yes, well, dead people tend … Continue reading

Networking With Former Coworkers

Just because we’ve left the traditional work world behind (or at least we home business owners may have partially left it behind) doesn’t mean we should let our connections with old coworkers go. Former coworkers and colleagues can be an important group in our extended circle of connections (or sphere of influence) and it can be very worthwhile to keep those connections alive. I think I am a fairly common representation of the modern professional–many of my best friends (and even a few romantic interests) have come from work. We spend so much time focusing on our careers and work … Continue reading

Last Minute Gift Ideas For Your Co-Workers—Good Eats

In a previous blog I listed some gift ideas you don’t want to bestow upon your office mates. Then I wrote a blog about some gift ideas that may be welcomed with open arms. I received a comment from a reader about one of my favorites—FOOD! The reader and I both agree that when it comes to last minute gift ideas edible treats are the way to go. After all, according to retail analysts, food is a hot commodity this holiday season. What’s more, everybody eats, so how can you go wrong? That said; if you are still hunting for … Continue reading