How Do You Know if They Are Too Crabby for Public?

You’ve started out the door on an outing or an errand—you absolutely have to get to the store, the library, the bank, and the school. Your child has had a nap, even though she was a bit on the cranky side earlier in the morning. Once she gets in the car, though, she starts whining and complaining—should you abort the mission? What if she throws a fit on line at the library? Should you push on? How do you know if your child is just too crabby for public? Well, how much can you handle and how much should everyone … Continue reading

Trying Not to Get Crabby With Service People In Front of My Kids

Most people who know me would swear that I am an easy-going person. I tend to be able to handle a great deal of chaos and roll with all sorts of changes and adversity. HOWEVER, I find the impatient side of me comes out so easily when dealing with bad customer service, rude tellers at the bank, and being asked to jump through silly hoops when trying to take care of everyday things. I try to stay calm and controlled when I am dealing with these people, especially when I am with my kids… I really do try and I … Continue reading

There Are Days When I Wonder If I Could Get Any Crabbier…

Why is it that there are days when I feel incredibly swaths of peace and great gifts of flexibility—and then there are others when I am really unfit for public consumption? Even after all these years and all the lessons parenting and family life have offered me, I still have days when I am not exactly sure what I am doing here! It is a strange thing to feel basically content, and still get downright crabby and not even fully understand why. It isn’t like the realities of my daily life change all that much from day to day or … Continue reading

Taking a Crabby Day Out on Your Kids

I can’t always get grumpy at the people I want to get grumpy at. Okay, maybe I COULD get grumpy at them, but I’m choosing not to for whatever reason. As much as I’d like to be the pleasant, angelic mother—there are days when I walk through the door, or bring along all my crabbiness from the day that was, and dump it all out in my living room. Just as it is often easier for my kids to take their crabby days out on me, I have to work extra-hard some days not to take my crabby days out … Continue reading