Drop Deprivation

Nearly five months into the year and if you are like most people who made losing weight your New Year’s resolution, chances are – you’ve already blown it. It’s hard to stick to a diet. I know that I have always found diets to be hard to stick to. I despise deprivation diets. All the things we need to give up constantly bombard us through advertising. The same advertising that bombards us with everything we want to eat. Then we’re equally bombarded by the images of food we can’t wait to eat, but we’re denied the right to. Deprivation just … Continue reading

Understanding and Fighting Food Cravings

For the last two weeks, I have been craving fried chicken. I am not a big fan of fried chicken, that is to say I eat it occasionally, but never cook it. Usually when I cook chicken, it is a baked breast or Tyson’s chicken strips. However, I may have to go out for lunch today just to get some fried chicken so I can get it off my mind. What makes us have cravings? Do we have any control over them? There are many theories. Some researchers think we crave things when we are on an overly strict diet. … Continue reading