10 Tips to Break out of the Marriage Rut

Sometimes we in our marriages we can become stuck in a rut. Everyday goes by exactly the same , we do everything exactly the same , we might have meals at the same times, go to work at the same time, go to bed at the same time, even make love at the same times. Marriage can, if we’re not a careful, become ho hum – stuck in a groove and boring. So what can you do about to? Read on and find out. The last couple of days I’ve had a song stuck in my head that won’t go … Continue reading

Looking for Romance in The Wrong Places

Sometimes we can look for romance in all the wrong places. Like this story of women who looked for romance in the toilet. This is not a joke, although it does have a humorous side to it. This story, told me by a writer friend, is about a woman he used to know who had a free lending library in her toilet. Now before you get the wrong idea here. The space was there but the toilet had not been installed. Her husband, a long distance truck driver, had a habit of never finishing jobs he started. In their ‘unpainted … Continue reading