The Imperfect Scrapbook Life

Scrapbooking is such a great creative outlet. In fact, most scrapbookers are very happy and calm when they are creating layouts to record their wonderful memories. And why shouldn’t they be? Our scrapbook albums are typically filled with beautifully designed layouts, amazing photographs that almost look professional, thanks largely to some very strategic cropping, and some wonderful, perfect, happy memories. Except, that is not all that our lives hold. Not every day is full of beauty, not every photograph comes out looking totally perfect and certainly not every person has nothing but wonderful, happy memories. It is just not possible. … Continue reading

Overcoming Scrappers Block (2)

Few scrapbookers are immune. In fact, the occasional mental or creative block regarding scrapbooking is normal. Overcoming scrappers block can be a challenge, however there are a few simple ways to make it easier. Yesterday I encouraged you to begin organizing your scrapbook stuff and reflecting on layouts you’ve already created in Overcoming Scrappers Block (1). Now it’s time to focus on a few new strategies. Journaling Games Not really games, per say, but journaling exercises of any kind, can often get your mind started, creative juices flowing and as quick as the scrappers block set in, it can be … Continue reading

Overcoming Scrappers Block (1)

It happens occasionally, and it can happen to everyone. A hobbyist will run into a block of some sort, and feel as if they cannot complete a project. Crafters, collectors, writers and others have the problem from time to time. It is certainly no different for a scrapbooker. Pictures, layouts and albums might sit for weeks or months, and in rare cases, even years before the inspiration or the desire to complete something is present. Learn more by reading, What Is Scrappers Block? It can be frustrating, and can even leave you questioning your choice of a hobby. For the … Continue reading

What Is Scrappers Block?

Scrappers block has been known to strike a die hard scrapbooker at any time. In fact, scrappers block knows no boundaries and can happen to anyone. But what is scrappers block, and how do you go about combating the wall that seems to erupt at any given moment? There are lots of ways to combat it, but first, let’s focus on what it is exactly and how it occurs. Scrappers block is not a whole lot different than what many famous writer’s face from time to time, known as Writer’s block. It is usually a period of time that can … Continue reading

Create Your Own Postage Stamps

After spending time creating a custom card or invitation, it would be nice to be able to add a personal touch to the envelope too. Although there are many options for personalizing the envelope, creating your own postage stamps could be just the solution you are looking for to create a fun and customized card. allows you tp upload your own photo and then print it out as real USPS postage. There are many fun possibilities with this product. This would be great to use on baby announcements. You could include a favorite picture on the new baby on … Continue reading

The Project Box

We keep a large plastic container in the corner of our family room. At first glance, it might seem like it is full of trash. Inside the box, plastic soda bottles, egg cartoons, and empty mint tins crowd for space. This is not trash though, this is our project box. The kids know that they can paw through the box and use whatever they find. I like not having to search for empty cartons and containers when they are inspired. I also like the physical limit of the box. It can only hold so much. That way I don’t end … Continue reading

Author Interview – Linda Paulson Adams: The Driving Force

Thank you for joining us for our fifth and final installment of our interview with author Linda Paulson Adams. If you missed parts one, two, three, or four, click on these links. Linda, is there a message or a driving force behind your work, or any common themes that run throughout? Hmm. I’ve always had an innate need to write. Where it comes from or why I have it, I can’t say exactly, but it seems to be an integrated part of my soul. I could have recurring themes, I imagine, but that’s more for the literary critics to deconstruct … Continue reading

Helping Your Child Deal With Emotions Through Creative Expression

Creative expression through writing and art can be a very therapeutic technique for children with emotional problems including depression, anxiety, self-hatred and rage. At home, you can encourage your child to deal with painful emotions by providing different kinds of freedom in creativity. One of the greatest outlets for powerful, overwhelming feelings is through art. All children, regardless of their limitations or struggles, have feelings that are often hard to describe and give meaning to. Helping them release these emotions is important. Unstructured Poetry A poet by the name of Kenneth Koch was working with stressed-out and depressed children in … Continue reading

I Am Not A Scrapbooker And I Never Will Be! part 1

We all have drawers, baskets, and boxes full of old photos. It’s just a part of human nature and the ability to use a camera! But not everyone is a scrapbooker. In fact, many hate the very idea of scrapbooking. They see big dollar signs. They see too many pictures to put into albums, and they see a whole lot of time spent placing those many pictures into albums. Guess what? You don’t have to hate scrapbooking! And you don’t have to be a scrapbooker either. It’s not that difficult to create an album for your family and friends to … Continue reading

Author Review – Dr. Seuss

Oh, wow, what an author! Oh my, what a guy! His rhymes are terrific; Please let me say why. You can’t find a thoozle just shopping downtown, When you ask the nice sales clerk, he’ll give you a frown. But open a book by this wizard named Seuss – Out from the pages come thoozles let loose! They’re big and they’re furry, they’re lovely and green – Why, these are the best thoozles I’ve ever seen And to think that I would have missed every one If I had not picked up this book full of fun. Theodore Giesel, or … Continue reading