Mother Knows Best: Why I Homeschool, Part One

I can’t even count how many times I’ve been asked why I homeschool. The question is asked in a variety of ways, sometimes in a tone of awe and amazement, but more often in the tone one would use to ask, “What is that green stuff growing in your refrigerator?” I have quite a long list of reasons, ranging from differences in beliefs to the simple statement that I’m doing what I feel is best, and stop looking in my refrigerator! Brought down to nuts and bolts, however, is the following answer. As the mother to these beautiful children, I … Continue reading

Music Education

Music has played a significant part of virtually every culture on earth. Music is a uniquely human form of communication that can be produced through a number of media. In the past, music was taught along with arithmetic, language, science and other core subjects. The Philosopher Plato stated “I would teach children music, physics, and philosophy; but most importantly music, for in the patterns of music and all the arts are the keys of learning.” Research reveals that when young people study the arts they show heightened academic standing, a strong capacity for self-assessment, and a secure sense of their … Continue reading

Refresh Your Scrapbooking Routine

If scrapbooking ever starts to feel a bit monotonous or not as much of a creative process as you would like, then you may need to mix up your scrapbooking routine. I’m always on the lookout for new ways to refresh my scrapbooking habits with new and inspirational ideas. If you’ve been thinking that you are due for some new ideas and challenges, you can give one or more of the following ideas a try and you will hopefully be on your way to greater creativity and more completed layouts! Make a creativity jar. Give yourself a few minutes to … Continue reading

Engage In Pretend Play

Pretend play is valuable for children and adults benefit from entering a child’s imaginary world as well. When your child engages in pretend play they often mimic the adult world. They learn to understand responsibility. They try on different roles and explore a variety of careers. Children often mimic the adult world that they experience. You will see yourself in your child as they play. Once I caught my two-year-old daughter putting her doll in time out. Then she picked up the doll, gave it a hug, and said, “I still love you.” As children immerse themselves in pretend play … Continue reading

And What About All Those Paper Towel Tubes?

Our family also seem to acquire a plentiful amount of paper towel rolls too, but not as much as toilet paper tubes. Nonetheless, we are still faced with a nice pile of them occasionally and I’ve often used them for other things. Here are a few frugal ways to use up those paper towel rolls and save a little trash! Grocery Bags All those plastic grocery bags that we accumulate every time we visit the grocery store or discount chain store, really add up. I hate to throw them away, so stuff them inside a paper towel roll. About 10 … Continue reading

Creative Uses for Toilet Paper Rolls

Not sure about anyone else, but in our house we go through toilet paper like it’s water. It’s absolutely crazy. I can walk into a bathroom at the end of the week to empty the trash can and there will be four empty toilet paper rolls in there! I won’t even ask what they are using it for, or better yet, how much they are using of it. That part seems to be obvious. Of course, we have five children who essentially share one bathroom, so there’s bound to be a lot used anyway. So what can you do with … Continue reading

Scrapbooking the Obscure

My mind goes faster than most. I’m not exactly sure why that is, but sometimes I feel too creative, if that’s possible. Ideas and plans come pouring out of me at such a rapid rate I cannot possibly keep up. I can find solutions to almost any problem by using my creativity. Although there are times that I wish my mind would just rest. Just stay calm and not think about anything, there are still other times where I am thankful for that creativity and the constant movement my brain seems to be doing. Allowing my creativity to just flow … Continue reading

Creating Single or Double Page Layouts

When I am teaching a scrapbook class, I am often asked some great questions that really get me thinking outside the box, so I can provide answers to my students. A very often asked question is “Should I do single or double paged layouts?”. While there is really no right or wrong answer to that question, or many of the other questions I am asked, there is some helpful information that I can provide to help you make that decision yourself. The main reasons that a scrapbooker would benefit from choosing a double page layout (two page layout) are: Uniformity … Continue reading

Finding Inspiration For Your Layouts

I’m often asked where I get the inspiration from for my scrapbook layouts. Finding inspiration can often be a challenge for scrapbookers and is often known as “scrappers block”. In previous articles I’ve discussed “scraplifting”, browsing magazines, idea books, and web sites and using sketches. However, inspiration can be found many other places, in many other forms. I find myself paying closer attention to art on the wall, to magazine articles and to a postcards in the mail. The possibilities are endless if you just begin looking at things differently. Let’s start with an advertisement. In order for an ad … Continue reading

Activities That Teach – #5 Amazing Abstracts!

Bring out your child’s inner artist with this fun, self-esteem boosting activity. And get some art for your home in the process! This idea came about because I decided I wanted some abstract paintings in my house. Maybe it’s just a phase I was going through. So I started shopping for abstracts, when something dawned on me. Why should I buy the work of strangers to hang in my home, when I’m raising gifted, brilliant, aspiring artists? R.J.’s Masterpiece (Age 11) My children were delighted to be treated like “real artists” whose work would be permanently displayed. This is a … Continue reading