No Fees!

Make sure your credit cards are paying YOU and not the other way around. In order to max profits, many credit card companies have a long list of fees they can charge you to use their card. Avoid these fees as much as possible, and instead opt for rewards cards that pay you instead. Shop around for your credit card like any other purchase. There are even vast differences between cards issued by the same company. Make sure you ask the right questions and understand completely the fees and rewards programs offered. The following are some common fees and ways … Continue reading

Check for Fees

In this amazing world today, fees are widespread. As companies struggle to keep prices low and compete, they often survive through hidden fees. What does this mean for you?? Diligence is the word of the day. There is no more sitting back and assuming “what you see is what you get.” Some samples of common fees to watch out for: 1. Credit cards. These are truly the fee monsters. Late payment fees, overbalance fees, cash withdrawal fees are common. What also might surprise you are the fees to use your money in a foreign country or balance transfer fees. 2. … Continue reading