Turn Off Your Critical Brain

How can we help it as parents? We know that a big part of our job is to train and teach our children and this just seems to include a bit of critiquing. We know that we can be too critical and that often keeping our mouths closed is better than saying something critical, but many of us struggle with this. I’ve come up with a phrase I use for myself and I remind myself to “turn off my critical brain” and open myself up to other ways of responding. The world is a critical place, it may not seem … Continue reading

Dealing with What is Critical

What absolutely has to be taken care of today? What is crucial and critical and what can you let go of for now? For a single parent, there are days when everything seems critical, and we can get so caught up in the minutia of our everyday lives that it can be tough to see the forest for the trees. In order to get things under control and into a manageable circumstance, it can be helpful to define what is crucial and what is not. For me, I have found over the years that if I start with the basics, … Continue reading