All Marriages are Cross-Cultural

When we think of a cross-cultural relationship or marriage, we usually think of two people who come from different countries or different races. Yet, within every household, every family, there is a way of doing things that will be different from the family next door, the family across the street, the family across town or across the country. Every marriage has its cultural differences. The Family’s Power Structure They say that sometimes, we all have different expectations. Sometimes our expectations are unreasonable and sometimes they are just lofty. But the truth is, our expectations are based on our own perceptions … Continue reading

Book Review: Cross Cultural Adoption

“Cross-Cultural Adoption: How to Answer Questions from Family, Friends and Community” by Amy Coughlin and Caryn Abramowitz If you adopt internationally, then you are adopting cross-culturally. This is true even if the child you adopt has the same skin color as you do. Because of this, it is important for families to take the time to embrace the culture of their adopted child. Also, we need to be prepared for the questions that family, friends and community will have about our adoptive family, how it was formed and what it means to our child. The book “Cross-Cultural Adoption: How to … Continue reading