What Are You Teaching Your Children?

Children can be cruel, especially to anyone who is different. I’m sure we all remember children from school that were bullied and picked on because they were different. Maybe some of us were even one of these children, subjected go torment and ridicule by others. Or maybe we were one of those who joined with the crowd in teasing the child who was perceived as different. As parents we need to teach our children what is acceptable behavior and what is not, e.g. many parents have to deal with a child who bites other children or hits them or kicks … Continue reading

Forgiving Those Who’ve Hurt Us

There are people in this world who cause great emotional destruction to others, and then dance proudly in the ashes. My life has taught me this. Forgiveness can be an arduous personal journey. When we have a child with a disability, people can be terribly insensitive. Sometimes they make ridiculous or cruel comments, either on purpose or just because they are ill-equipped to handle the situation emotionally. Perhaps they’re just uneducated and inexperienced. Sometimes good friends or family members fade into the background, suddenly becoming “too busy” to maintain a meaningful relationship. Perhaps they blame us for our child’s difficult … Continue reading