When to See Your Doctor About Crying

We have talked about the fussy baby and the baby that cries and why they cry and what it means when they cry and how you can comfort for their crying. For parents of infants, crying is a simple fact of life. Babies cry for a variety of reasons and there are many ways that we can bring comfort to our babies, but how do you know when the crying is something more than usual? When is it time to see your pediatrician about the baby crying? Is it a Medical Problem? If you notice a change in your baby’s … Continue reading

Are You Getting Mixed Signals from your Baby?

My baby smiles, my baby won’t stop crying, my baby throws everything on the floor. What does it all mean? The truth is, our babies are not born speaking our languages and we’re not completely conversant with theirs. We know what we think they are communicating and sometimes, we are quite correct. Every interaction with our baby, whether it is primal or coming from a higher language function – we are communicating and they are communicating with us. My Baby Smiles Sometime between 6 and 12 weeks your infant will begin to develop social smiles and will respond to the … Continue reading

Hold the Phone! Research States That Parents Should Pick Up Their Baby When It Cries

You’ll have to excuse my somewhat sarcastic tone as I write this, but when this headline appeared in my news feeds this morning I found myself staring at it in disbelief. After all, who would pay for this kind of study? As it turns out, the Queensland University of Technology did the research and it was part of a joint study with the Early Parenting Centre. Researchers found that many new parents were uncertain and concerned that if they picked up their child every time it cried, they would end up spoiling their baby. This fear is understandable; especially if … Continue reading

The Fussy Baby (Part III)

When it comes to a fussy baby, we’ve talked about their need to communicate. Most times you can fix whatever is ‘wrong’ and the baby will stop crying. But what if you do it all and the crying is still happening? At that point, most parents wonder if it is ‘colic.’ Colic is used by a lot of people to describe a baby that is difficult to comfort. Some situations where your baby may be colicky include: Illness Frustration Loneliness Worry Fear Boredom Colic It’s important to recognize that when your baby is sick, their cries can be weak or … Continue reading

The Fussy Baby (Part II)

I was talking about recognizing different types of cries The Fussy Baby (Part I). For first time parents, you may wonder how you will ever recognize those cries. You’ll learn the way we all do – through practice. Here are some tips on how to recognize the different types of crying and what clues that can help you. Hunger – If it’s been a few hours since the last time you fed him or her; if he or she has just had a full diaper or if she or he just woke up from their nap – chances are good … Continue reading