Affordable Finger Foods for Your Holiday Party

Despite being in a recession, many families are still planning to host loved ones during the holiday season. Whether you are gathering to celebrate Christmas or are planning to toast the New Year, your get together will likely involve food. However, just because you’ve volunteered your home to be party central doesn’t mean you have to break the bank to impress your guests. There are hundreds of easy and affordable finger foods that make for prime party grub. The power is in the presentation. The following recipes may sound like typical finger food fare, but you can kick them up … Continue reading

Super Simple Summer Sides

After months of tolerable temperatures, the heat is finally on in our neck of the woods… and the rest of the nation. From Oregon to Georgia the mercury is soaring. When the temperature is hovering near 95 degrees you can bet that most home cooks aren’t planning menus that require them to stand over a hot stove (regardless of if they have central air). In fact, when it gets this hot I try not to turn on any of my kitchen appliances. Instead, I stick to a simple menu of lighter foods such as salads, sandwiches and refreshing side dishes … Continue reading

Outdoor Dining: Three-Course Simple Summer Meal

There’s no better way to enjoy the dog days of summer than firing up the grill and eating outdoors. Sure, it’s warm outside and in some parts of the country the mosquitoes are the size of lab rats, but in a few months you will be kicking yourself if you don’t take advantage of the opportunity to bond with your family over a meal in the great outdoors. When designing a meal to devour in your backyard, on your deck or in the park, think simple. The following recipes are not labor intensive, yet they pack a powerful punch in … Continue reading

Make Your Own Eye Soother

Do you wake up sometimes with tired puffy eyes? It happens frequently here for me when the kids have slept well. Allergy season is another time when puffy eyes seems to make a frequent appearance. Well here is a homemade way to sooth those puffy eyes at a fraction of the cost of fancy creams. You have heard of using cucumbers over your eyes, haven’t you? We see it all of the time on television, in movies and in magazines. Whether someone wants to promote the idea of a woman in a fancy spa, she is always lying there, wrapped … Continue reading