Harming Your Marriage?

Could your electric blanket be harming your marriage? Perhaps it’s not something you’ve thought about. Would you be prepared to give it up, if it was causing problems? While I’m not against modern appliances and certainly enjoy the benefits of some conveniences, like heating now there is a nip in the air here in Australia, I do wonder about electric blankets. No, we don’t have an electric blanket and have never had one. Quite simply we’ve never felt the need. I always tell people ‘I married mine.’ When we moved to the colder climate of Orange, people told us we’d … Continue reading

A Basic Human Right

Are you depriving your children of a basic human right? Shelter, food and love are basic human rights and ones that all children deserve to experience. But UK author Michael Morpurgo, has added another to that list. His view is that parents who don’t read to their children are depriving them of a basic human right. I agree. You might say time is the problem. I heard someone on the radio the other day say ‘time is a luxury item these days.’ Maybe so. But we all have the same number of hours in a day. No matter how busy … Continue reading