Cleaning Those Special Pots and Pans

There are about as many different types of pots and pans on the market today as there are people to buy them, and each kind requires a little special know-how to keep them looking their shiny best. Here are some more tips for the cleanest, most special pots in town. Cleaning Copper Bottoms If your pot has a copper bottom, the best way to clean it is to sprinkle a little salt and vinegar or salt and lemon juice. Rub lightly into the surface and wash as usual. Don’t do this too often though because with copper pots, the duller … Continue reading

More Cleaning Tips For Pots and Pans

Pots and pans take quite a beating in their lifetimes, but they are not battered. They are made to either withstand the heat or get out of the kitchen, as that old saying goes. Their home is your kitchen, and you as cooks and kitchen curator, must do your part to preserve them by keeping them as clean as possible. How, you ask? Well, here are some tips to consider, that is, if you dare to read on, stand up and…scour! Saving Scorched Pans While this mission may not be as patriotic as saving Private Ryan, for example, it is … Continue reading