Teetering Towards Toddlerhood

Lately, the topic of a child’s transition from being an infant to being a toddler has been on my mind a lot. While my oldest son recently made the transition out of the toddler age group, in just three short months my baby will officially turn a year old. He is already almost a toddler. In some ways, Blake seems more like a toddler than a baby. He has been crawling for months now, and he is very interested in learning how to walk. Sometimes, he simply cannot bear to be down on the floor and he cries for me … Continue reading

A Messy Nature

Why is it that some children are just messier than others? Is it some genetic trait that they are just born with? Do some children just naturally leave a trail of messes wherever they go? The answer of course is YES! Some children truly are born with that inquisitive and messy gene. They are curious about everything. As a result they get into everything. My youngest is one of those naturally curious children. Before she could even walk she was off and exploring. She would get into everything that was at her level. Starting when she was about eight months … Continue reading

Keeping Sharp Objects Out of Little Hands

It’s common sense, and every parent tries to protect their child from harm. Sharp objects are usually the first things we teach them about being safe – not getting hurt. Don’t play with scissors, touch knives, etc. However, accidents happen. Did you ever have a sibling or friend get a hold of a pair of scissors and chop off a chunk of their hair? Maybe it was you! You look away for a moment, and there’s no telling what a child will do with a pair of scissors. Their natural curiosity takes over, and they want to experiment. Children often … Continue reading