Ideas for Gift Baskets

A home business making gift baskets is a fun, simple way to make some extra money (see previous gift basket articles). The key is to make great baskets that are a good value for the price. The more custom your baskets are the better they will sell. We talked about giving out gift baskets to family and friends as gifts for special occasions, which is a great way to get some word of mouth advertising. It doesn’t hurt to place a business card, or a slip of paper with your phone number inside each basket. Here are some ideas to … Continue reading

Home Business: Gift Baskets

Making and selling gift baskets can be a lucrative home business and the start up is simpler and less costly than many other options. You should be able to charge enough to double the cost of your materials when you make up gift baskets. Just make sure that your baskets are worth the price. Many gift baskets are far too pricey for what is included. They are pretty, but they are overstuffed with filler rather than being filled useful or enjoyable items. You will need some filler to tuck into spaces between gift items. It helps make the basket look … Continue reading