Three Kitchen Gadgets I Can’t Cook Without – Part 1

Listed here are my top three kitchen gadgets I can’t cook without (well actually I can cook without them but I just don’t want to!). What are they? My top three kitchen gadgets are my salad spinner, my small plastic cutting board, and my small food processor. Food Gadget #1: Salad Spinner The OXO Salad Spinner that I use in my kitchen is such a big helper to me. I’ve only had this gadget for 2 years now, but I never want to be without it again. This salad spinner comes with a plastic salad bowl and top (to keep … Continue reading

Did You Know? Fighting Germs

When it comes to fighting germs in the home, there is a lot of information available. There are also a lot of old wives’ tales. For example, while doorknobs do get germy, did you know that the inner doorknob of the bathroom is usually one of the cleanest? That might sound strange, but considering that most people wash their hands right after using the toilet, their hands should be clean when opening the door. So, if it’s not doorknobs or handles that are the ickiest, which handles would be? The handle used to flush and the sink faucet handles, since … Continue reading