5 Must Have Books on Frugal Living

Being a Frugal Living guru, did not come easy. It’s taken years of practice, dedication and most of all, research. Sometimes, the research is in the form of trial and error – as in, let’s see what works and doesn’t. But sometimes it’s in the form of reading a book from the library or the bookstore. In fact, if I believe something works, I will often research to see if others have had success as well. The following books, are extremely helpful, if you plan to truly live a Frugal lifestyle. They are filled with tips, advice and all types … Continue reading

Great Ways to Cut Your Food Costs (3)

On the last day of this series on cutting your food costs, I’d like you to choose two from each day and begin implementing them into your daily life. If you start slow and only do a couple, you will see savings and you will begin to make it a habit. As you go, continue to try more and more of these tips and you will soon be an expert at shopping for food and providing low-cost meals to your family. Here are my final tips in this series: Purchase skim milk instead of whole or 2%. The lower the … Continue reading