Cutting The Apron Strings

No matter how much I say I want to cut the apron strings I realize that a part of me is not ready to let go of Tyler. Take his hair for instance. He’s six-years-old and until two weeks ago I was still combing his hair. He was perfectly capable of doing it himself but I was still holding on to that last remnant of his babyhood. Until school started, he wore his hair in braids and had since he was an infant. In our family we don’t cut our boys hair until they are two (don’t ask me why, … Continue reading

Cutting The Apron Strings

Hello, My name is Myra and I have come to the realization that I am a control freak. Not all the time, mind you, but definitely when it comes to Tyler. Let me explain. Last Saturday we took a trip to the mall so that Tyler could spend his report card money. I also needed to get him a pair of new shoes for school and a pair of every day shoes and two new pairs of uniform pants. I had decided that I would let him spend his money on whatever he wanted to and he could also pick … Continue reading