Things Tend to Move in Cycles

One of the realities of family life, relationships, and parenting that doesn’t often get coverage is that things tend to move in cycles. This can be reassuring when we remind ourselves that nothing goes on indefinitely and our children will move out of phases just as they moved into them! Sometimes, instead of getting all embroiled in the latest crisis–all we have to do is wait it out and soon the wheel has turned and we’ve moved into something else. This is where a healthy dose of detachment and perspective can come in handy. Now, I am not saying that … Continue reading

Your Marriage: Cycles and Patterns

Do things seem to run in cycles in your relationship? I’m not talking about actual cycles, like PMS for example, I’m talking about something a bit more difficult to pinpoint. Do you see patterns in your marriage, such as times when you feel that you and your spouse are really on the same page, followed by days or even weeks of feeling distant? I have noticed certain patterns or cycles in different relationships, including my own, and I think it helps to identify them. It took me a long time to figure it out, but my parents were always impatient … Continue reading