Parents– Take Back Your Life, Part Two

Welcome back! As promised I have ten more tips on how you can take back your life by simplifying your daily routine. (10) Let your kids help as much as possible. Tyler loves helping but sometimes he’s in my way. But I have had to learn to step back and let him help. The other night he wanted an omelet for dinner and he wanted to help and he begged and begged until I gave in. What I ended up doing is letting him beat the eggs and when the toast popped out he put jam on it. (11) Get … Continue reading

Consistency is Key

In my personal experience, the greatest success I measured in any fitness program I engaged in occurred when I did it regularly – day in and day out and only taking the days off that I designated. No matter how hard you work or how much exercise you do – if you are not consistent about it, you will not achieve the results you wish. For example, I have heard the following far too often: I can only work out for ten to twenty minutes a day and how is that ever going to be enough? I’ll tell you how … Continue reading