The Dangers of Pet Fads

When I saw “101 Dalmatians” for the first time as a kid, I loved it so much I just had to redecorate accordingly. I had two separate designs of “101 Dalmatians” bed sheets, a huge poster, a table lamp, and stuffed toys adorning my bed. But the one thing I didn’t have was an actual Dalmatian dog. No matter how much I begged my parents for one, they didn’t give in. They didn’t want to take care of a dog, so they weren’t going to bend to my whim. Unfortunately, many other parents did, either to that of their children … Continue reading

Dog Breeds: Dalmatian

Seeing how a Dalmatian was the subject of a recent news story, I thought it would be a good time for a deeper look at the breed. Most of us know Dalmatians from the book and movie, 101 Dalmatians. They’re pretty easy to pick out of a crowd. White fur, black or brown spots. A medium to large sized dog, weighing somewhere in the neighborhood of 55 pounds. DID YOU KNOW: Dalmatians are born white, and develop spots later on. As far as temperament goes, Dalmatians are dogs of action. I’m talking virtually endless stamina and energy. This is a … Continue reading