Is Your Green Thumb Harming Your Preschooler?

Mommy, mommy, how does your garden grow? If you are one of the millions of parents around the world, who uses gardening as a means of escaping from the stress associated with raising young human beings, then you might want to brace yourself for some disturbing news: A new study found that children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) had a significantly greater likelihood of exposure to household pesticides compared with a control group. Translation: Parents of preschoolers, who use pesticides on their grass, in their gardens and around the house have a greater chance of developing cancer. According to the … Continue reading

Granite Countertops May Be Dangerous to Your Health

Granite countertops are definitely a major trend in kitchen design in the last few years. Granite countertops are strong, stain resistant, scratch resistant and look beautiful. Nowadays, if you are going to sell a home, you are at a disadvantage if you don’t have granite countertops. One of the issues with granite countertops that has been in the news lately is that these countertops may pose a health hazard to your family in the form of radon gas. Radon gas is basically a form a radiation that can leach into your home. It can expose individuals to as much radiation … Continue reading

Danger in Not Turning in at the Same Time?

Yesterday in Pets I wrote about the case of the Wooded Rapist and the dog that helped crack the case. After I posted it, I made sure all the doors were locked, turned off all the lights, and then headed up to bed. Wayne was already in bed, so was my mom. Not unusual. Not out of the norm. It’s how the routine goes most nights. If I’m not staying up to bang out a few more articles at the keyboard, I have homecaring duties to tend to. Every so often it’s not work, but a chance to catch up … Continue reading

Protect Your Kids! Cell Phones and Predators

Cell phones provide an easy path to your child from sexual predators. You should know how to protect them. Most parents know all about children, sexual predators and the Internet. We protect our children by installing firewalls and monitoring software and blocking software. We keep the computer in a communal area of the house and watch our kids when they are online. We think that we have done everything we can to create a wall between predators and our kids. But one think we fail to do, by the thousands, is to protect them from predators getting in through their … Continue reading

I Just Can’t Watch

Have you ever been at one of your child’s activities or in a situation where as much as you wanted to be supportive and encouraging of your child, you just couldn’t bring yourself to watch? Perhaps he or she was doing something very risky, or potentially dangerous, or just something that triggered old issues for you and you just couldn’t bring yourself to watch and cheer? I imagine that most of us parents have been in that situation and we have to negotiate a way to stay involved and supportive and acknowledge that it is hard for us to really … Continue reading

Perils in Paradise

For me, each day is a battle between fear and trust. Maybe it is for you too. If we are not careful our fears can control us. They can stop us enjoying life and more importantly stop us doing those things God wants us to do. Though I love God’s creation and enjoy swimming in Jervis Bay, I’ve heard from a friend who owns and operates the business, ‘Canoe with a View’ of the marine life that lives in our bay. Each day as I step into the waters near our home I have to overcome the recurring fear of … Continue reading

How God Answered One Man’s Prayer

We never know what the future holds or what the next moment might bring as a local and highly experienced fisherman found out recently. While doing what is, for him, a usual occupation, Bob Russo was swept from the rocks at Currarong on Sunday December 9. You might think someone who writes for Fishing World, and knows well the dangers of fishing from rocks, would have seen it coming. He did not. He looked at the weather and the sea and considered it safe to fish. But then he moved down the rock to gather weed which he uses as … Continue reading

Reasons I am glad I homeschool: Poor Judgement

I will preface this by saying that everyone has moments of incredibly poor judgment. In most cases however, such poor judgment affects only ourselves and at worst our own families. However, what happens when a teacher, a group of teachers or an administrator uses incredibly poor judgment? Recently, staff members at Scales Elementary school in Murfreesboro Tennessee, faked a gun attack during an overnight class trip to a state park. One of the teachers pretended to be a gunman (wearing a hooded sweatshirt) and unsuspecting 11-13 year olds were told to hide under tables. Eventually the students were told it … Continue reading

Battling Your Home’s Invisible Dangers

I spent the better part of this week battling a severe cold, sore throat, etc. The rest of the time was spent trying to figure out how it was that I got sick in the first place (I hate being sick and try to maintain a lifestyle that prevents me from having to deal with illnesses). The time I wasted trying to re-track my steps was fruitless, save for the fact that I stumbled upon some interesting information about hazardous pollutants that hide in all of our households (for about an hour I was convinced my sickness was triggered by … Continue reading

Driveway Dangers

I don’t have a large kitchen, but it does have a window that allows me to see my neighbor’s driveway. Often when I am preparing dinner I watch her young children playing in the driveway. I thought of them the other day when I read about, not one, but three children in our state who were recently injured (one fatally) in tragic driveway accidents. Even if you don’t have children, the news of a child being seriously injured or dying is heartbreaking. Naturally, in the days following the accidents (they all took place within a few days of each other) … Continue reading