The Ugly Truth About Airplane Water

There are some things you just know. They don’t need to “examined further” or “put to the test” or “looked at by experts.” They’re things you simply know are true. Such is the case with my instincts about airplane water. I have ALWAYS been leery about water on airplanes and now I know that my instincts were correct. A study released this week by the Environmental Protection Agency revealed that some planes have “unwanted stowaways” in their water supply – potentially dangerous bacteria that could make you sick. I knew it! “What we have in the water right now from … Continue reading

Top 10 Tips For Dealing With Electrical Hazards In Your Home

Years ago our family suffered a terrible tragedy as a result of electric shock. A seemingly innocent frayed toaster cord was later found to be the culprit. This simple household device found in practically every home in the universe turned into a deadly weapon. Not a lot has been written about the risk of death from electric shock. The media tends to focus on potential fire dangers in homes, the risk of poisoning, and ways to baby proof a house, but little is said about how to prevent electric shock. The best way to reduce the risk of death from … Continue reading

Our Children in Danger From Child Molesters

How Common is Sexual Abuse? Studies in the United States show that up to one in every three or four girls and one in every four to ten boys has been sexually abused before age 18. These numbers are most likely low since many abuse occurrences go unreported. The FBI believes that only 1-10% of cases is ever disclosed. Child molesters who victimize girls average 50 victims before being caught and those of boys average 150 victims. The average pedophile molests 117 children before being caught and incarcerated. Children between the ages of 5 and 12 are most vulnerable. The … Continue reading

Raise Your Awareness for Safer Outings

It is a fact: everywhere you go there is a small possibility of some sort of danger. A dangerous situation could arise at anytime, anywhere. You simply cannot predict when or where it could happen. As parents, we not only need to keep ourselves safe, we have the responsibility of protecting our children as well. Their lives are in our hands, and that can be one of the scariest things about being a parent! I know it is for me. However, we can calm that fear simply by learning how to protect ourselves, and by teaching our children to do … Continue reading