Statistics and Numbers DO Impress

Part of my work history and background includes a couple decades working in nonprofit fund development, management and public relations. During that time I did a fair amount of grant writing and writing to solicit donations and contributions, and one of the lessons I learned over and over again was that people really are impressed, and they really DO respond to statistics and numbers. Percentages, statistics, numbers, and factual comparisons really do have a place in your promotional materials and business literature. People want to know how many satisfied customers there are, or how many people prefer this brand to … Continue reading

Moving Data – Thumb Drives

Do you find yourself transferring files all the time? It could be from your laptop to your desktop, your work computer to your home and back or from your computer to a friend or family member. Burning Data CDs is an option (and you can read more about that here). You can also use shared network drives to do this but sometimes that not always possible. A third option would be a thumb drive or a flash drive. A thumb drive is a very small gadget that connects right into your computer’s USB port and acts as a small portable … Continue reading