Choosing a Day Care

Most parents do not look forward to sending their child to day care. They do it out of necessity. However, for the parents of special needs children, the opportunity to send your child to day care should be viewed as a blessing. It means that your child is developmentally ready to take on new physical and social challenges. I highly recommend, though, that you resist sending your child to a traditional day care just to prove to the world and yourself how “normal” he or she is. If you live in a smaller city, you may not have a choice, … Continue reading

Daycare Day 1: Morning

The morning came particularly quickly on my son’s first day of daycare. Despite my wife’s best efforts to have everything neatly organized in bags near the door the morning still felt rushed, uncomfortable, and different. I had a little talk with my son. As a father I felt it was my duty to tell him that today was going to be different. I told him that we weren’t abandoning him and that his mom was going to check in on him at lunchtime and pick him up early. I told him that he would be with other babies and some … Continue reading

Early Day Care Will Not Reduce Illness Later

One of the reasons many parents say that they put their children into daycare or early preschool is so the kids will be exposed to more germs and therefore get their illnesses over with before they reach school age, when absence from school may have more of an impact. I knew a mom once who firmly believed in the idea of exposing her kids early to illnesses. In fact, she ran a day care, and if a child came in sick, she would make sure that her children were playing with that child and sharing toys, in order to increase … Continue reading

Caregiver Danger Signs

Whether you are looking for full time care for your baby or just an occasional babysitter, here are some signs you can look for that may tell you that your caregiver isn’t right for you and your child. Your baby is your most precious possession. I once heard the advice that you should never leave your baby anywhere you wouldn’t leave a million dollars. And of course, your baby is priceless and much more important. Here are some danger signs that warrant a closer look at your caregiver. She doesn’t follow standard safety advice If your caregiver puts your newborn … Continue reading

When a Child Hates the Daycare Center (or Babysitter)

We parents go to a lot of trouble to find the right babysitter(s) or daycare center—often touring, interviewing and checking references to find one that meets our standards. When our child doesn’t “take” to the new arrangement it can be incredibly frustrating, and hard to know exactly what we should do about it… The first step is to try to determine if the issues are related to the daycare, a specific childcare provider, other children, or separation anxiety. Of course, it could be attributed to other reasons too, but doing the investigation to figure out why and what is going … Continue reading

Staying at Home with the Kids and Working as a Transcriptionist, Part Three

This blog is part of a series on transcription. If you haven’t read the other blogs in this series, make sure to check out the summary page for a listing of all transcription blogs. Missed part two? Check it out here! Otherwise, read on to find out some ideas on how to deal with children underfoot while working: Close the door and put a sign up, “Mother Working, Disturb ONLY if Blood is Involved.” This requires your children to be old enough to basically police themselves–you would obviously not want to do this with a toddler. Mothers have done this, … Continue reading

Taking Children with you to the Courthouse

Earlier today, I covered the fact that there is a world of difference between jobs that allow you to stay at home and do them, vs the ones that allow you to work from home, but not at home. People are usually very interested in courthouse research, until they realize that it isn’t done at home, and then they start to panic. “What am I going to do with my kids?” Since I have no kids, I usually tend to be at a loss for a good answer, but luckily, I have seen other mothers answer this question, and so … Continue reading

Checking up on your Daycare Provider

I remember when my son was four months old and time had come for me to go back to work. My greatest fear as a brand new mother was finding someone that would love and care for my child similar to the way I did. Yes, I knew that no one could love my son as much as me but I wanted to make sure I found someone that was responsible, clean, organized, and provided a safe environment for my precious baby. I have to say, my first daycare provider was horrible. Within one month, my son would start to … Continue reading

How To Choose The Best Childcare For You

When looking for how to choose the best childcare for you, look at these factors primarily. Do your research on these specific things, such as: prior mistreatment reports, cleanliness, staff to child ratios, ages of children in the facility, etc. Call the Better Business Bureau to learn if any complaints were filed. Call the childcare facility for their license number and call State Licensing. After doing this, then you can determine these other factors as a secondary choosing of the best childcare for you and your child. which is price, availability, location, and hours. Some other helpful tips in choosing … Continue reading