Every One Needs a Day Off

As a good friend reminded me yesterday, working hard is great and it makes you dependable and reliable. These are fantastic qualities in the people in our lives – when we know we can rely on them and we can depend on them. But those who work hard and who populate the hours of their life with commitments and things to be done forget that along with working hard – taking down time is of equal importance. It’s important that our families can depend on us to not be so overworked and stressed that we forget what it is like … Continue reading

It’s Here ….Tonight is Christmas Eve

We’ve been counting down the days for weeks now as we approach the Christmas holidays and whether you celebrate it for religious reasons or secular ones, it’s here. Tonight is Christmas Eve. Most of are not going to be working out today or working out tomorrow. Don’t worry about it, it’s the holidays and whether you are traveling or spending them at home – the holidays are a time of rest, a time of celebrating and a time of spending with our families. It’s Okay to Skip the Workout It’s okay to miss your workout today. It’s okay to miss … Continue reading

Mental Health Day

Yesterday, I got up and got started on my day as I normally do. But as I dove into the writing for the day, I recognized the fact that I wasn’t really getting a great deal done. I was having a hard time really stringing two or three thoughts together in a row. I’m a writer for a living and some of us who are writers can forget that we really do work every day of the week. As some of you may know, I write a great deal here at families.com, but I also write elsewhere. On average, I … Continue reading