A Little Tighter

In light of the horrific events yesterday I had to write a few words expressing my feelings as a mother. When I learned of the tragedy in Connecticut my heart sank into the pit of my stomach. These little children were my son’s age. Each time I looked at him I nearly broke into tears. This is every parent’s worst nightmare. I cannot imagine the intensity of the pain those parents are feeling as they are tucking their babies into bed tonight and finding that one of those beds will forever be empty. The loss of a child is by … Continue reading

Mistaken Cremation

In what was already a parents’ worst nightmare, events that seemed to be at their worst possible point took a turn for the worse. Little Jaylen Talley, only 14 months old, died from apparent breathing problems due to an alleged undiagnosed heart defect. On May 24, his parents could tell something was wrong. They called 911, and Jaylen’s father tried unsuccessfully to resuscitate the toddler. Jaylen later died at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio. As if it wasn’t enough that these parents lost their son, something worse happened: their son was accidentally cremated. The Talleys had been planning a … Continue reading

Should Young Kids Watch Movies Where a Child Dies?

The other day Tyler wanted to rent Bridge to Terabithia and I admit I was reluctant to do so as first. I was concerned because one of the main characters, who happens to be a young girl, dies. I read the book years ago when I was in school and although I enjoyed it, I recalled the shock of her death. I also knew that although the book is read in many schools, it has also been on the list of banned books several times. We’ve had the talk about death but mainly in the context of adults dying. Several … Continue reading