Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows

It’s been waited for expectantly all year long, ever since the date was announced back at the first of the year that the seventh and final Harry Potter book would be released on July 21st. I meant to get this review written and posted on Monday and for those of you, who might have been waiting, please accept my apologies. I received my copy at about 9 a.m. on Saturday, July 21st and I didn’t get to sit down and read it until about 12. I finished the book around 7:30 pm. It is 759 pages – but it’s ten … Continue reading

Good Health in the Deathly Hallows

Has Harry Potter fever hit your household? With the final book in the amazing series due on Saturday, there will be a lot of people around the world spending the weekend reading. I must confess… I’ll be one of them. Aside from (maybe) a nasty paper cut, reading isn’t generally a dangerous hobby. However, if you’re planning to curl up on the couch and read all weekend, there are a few health tips to keep in mind: Think of your read-a-thon like it’s a long car ride or flight. Sitting still for long periods of time can affect your circulation. … Continue reading