When Accreditation May be Necessary

In my post, Is Accreditation Necessary, I wrote about the current debate of accreditation in the homeschool community. Next, I wrote reasons to consider an accredited homeschool diploma. I also wrote about reasons you may want to avoid an accredited diploma. This is a difficult debate for the homeschooling community. Many homeschoolers love the freedoms that they have to educate each child toward his or her individual strengths. Others, while appreciating that freedom, still want to be able to get help or reassurance that they are ‘doing it right’ in the form of accreditation. The safety net threatens homeschoolers who … Continue reading

Inherit the Wind (1960)

“Inherit the Wind” got my brain spinning in so many different directions, I had a hard time going to sleep last night. It was fabulous. Dick York stars as Bert Cates, a high school teacher who decides to teach the theory of evolution in his class. The town of Hillsboro has a law that only creationism should be taught in the public schools, and when word reaches the authorities that he has brought Darwin into the classroom, they come to arrest him. Making matters worse is the fact that Bert is engaged to Rachel, the daughter of the Reverend, Bert’s … Continue reading

Skeptics and Critics: Debating

Most Christians I know choose not to engage in debates finding it pointless and a waste of their energy. While I completely understand, so often when it appears a person is debating, they are actually trying to seek answers and testing what they may believe as truth against what others believe. Though an unbeliever who wants to debate may truly intend to frustrate and stump you for their own personal satisfaction, so often there is a part of them that is seeking more than they care to admit. For this reason, it is so important to follow what the Bible … Continue reading

Gay Parents: Less Than Optimal?

Ohio legislators are trying to make their mark with a newly proposed bill aimed at restricting homosexual or bi-sexual adults from foster parenting or adopting children. Although this bill is not likely to pass, it still gives reason to pause and consider: should homosexual adults be allowed to parent? Studies, it is said, have shown that the “optimal” environment in which to raise a child is one with a mother and a father. These studies have come under fire for their accuracy. But let’s, for a moment, say they are accurate. How many children of straight parents are raised in … Continue reading