Week in Review: Skeptics to Being Busy

This week I wanted to put a little more focus on reaching out as Christians. I shared about dealing with those who are critical and skeptical; the challenge in witnessing to such and handling debates when they arise. I also wrote about the harvest of souls ready for a savior, giving your all, and making time for God. In Skeptics and Critics: The Challenge, I talked about some of the challenging questions asked by those who are skeptical of Christianity. The Bible tells us we should have an answer for the hope that is in us so it’s important we … Continue reading

Skeptics and Critics: Debating

Most Christians I know choose not to engage in debates finding it pointless and a waste of their energy. While I completely understand, so often when it appears a person is debating, they are actually trying to seek answers and testing what they may believe as truth against what others believe. Though an unbeliever who wants to debate may truly intend to frustrate and stump you for their own personal satisfaction, so often there is a part of them that is seeking more than they care to admit. For this reason, it is so important to follow what the Bible … Continue reading