Work from home: what am I?

I’ve been participating in a Forum thread here at about scams. You will find a ton of information about avoiding scams. The main question most people have is “how do I know?” The rule of thumb is never pay for a job. However, you may find yourself with different expenses depending on the job, the status you are hired and what they job requirements are. You will find that “title” has a lot to do with it. By understanding the terms and responsibilities below, you will be able to better identify what you are applying for and what legit … Continue reading


Hello! I am sooo excited to be your new Work From Home Blogger. I’m Debbie and I have been a work at home mom for almost 6 years. When my son Alex was born, my husband and I agreed that we did not have children so someone else could watch them. We had idealistic dreams that I would be a stay at home mom with an immaculate house and a gourmet dinner on the table every night….. wow, were we in for a surprise! No one prepared me for what it’s like to stay at home! Mac and Cheese, here … Continue reading