New and Improved Rebates

How have you been rewarded by companies that value you as a customer? Did you get a free cooler for opening a checking account at your local bank? What about a complimentary mug from your insurance company? If you have accumulated a closet full of freebies you don’t want then I have some good news. Now you may be able to pick out your own “prize” for being a new customer. Some businesses are offering promotional “rewards” that actually do more than just collect dust. For example, where I live a local cable company is rewarding customers for upgrading their … Continue reading

Holiday Travel: How To Save Money On The Way To Grandma’s House–Part 2

“Over the river and through the woods to grandmother’s house we go…” I’ve got that song stuck in my head after hearing it being played over and over… (My 2-year-old is obsessed with “A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving” and Chuck and his buddies break out in rousing version of the classic song at the end of the tape.) But, I digress. We’re continuing our “Holiday Travel” series with tips on how to save money while hitting the highways on the way to grandma’s (or whomever’s) this holiday season. The following are more money saving tips to consider prior to pulling into … Continue reading

Gift Cards With A Twist

Are you dangerous with cash? Do you find yourself watching it fly out of your hands as soon as you get it? Well, you aren’t alone… and help is on the way. Prepaid debit cards. They’re like gift cards with a twist. Rather than tempt yourself by carrying wads of cash around, you can opt for a reloadable, prepaid debit card. It’s similar to a traditional debit card, but it is not linked to your bank account. Another bonus: you determine the amount of money the card carries. I visited the NetSpend website (one of the banks and private companies … Continue reading

Cut up Your Credit Cards

I’m not even sure what interests rates are right now, because I don’t use credit cards. I do know that most are somewhere around 20% unless the credit card company is conducting a special offer. Let’s just say 20% since it’s a nice round number. That means for every $100.00 you borrow, you’ll have to repay at least $120.00. That adds up quickly! Many American families spend beyond their means and are currently experiencing dangerous levels of credit card debt. Once a family or an individual gets to a certain point, there is no easy way to resolve the debt. … Continue reading

“Oh The Places You’ll Go” by Dr. Seuss

Now that graduation is around the corner for most kids, many people are looking for that perfect graduation gift. Rather than purchase your graduate a card, or some novelty item. Consider purchasing them a book instead. One of the best graduation gifts I ever received was the book “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!” by Dr. Seuss. The book starts out “Congratulations! Today is your day. You’re off to great places! You’re off and away!”. The main character in the book is off on their own for the first time. The entire book is about making your own choices whether they … Continue reading

Save Money through Banking Choices

Why would anyone pay for checking when he or she can get it free? Customer loyalty is one reason, and another is the fact that someone has held an account at a particular bank for many years and does not want to start over. These are good reasons, but those who are shopping for a checking account should check the terms carefully. Banking has become a very competitive business and there are some great offers available. Are you paying any of these -or other- fees? Monthly fee Fee for every check you write Fee for having an ATM card Fee … Continue reading