Ways to Encourage a Decision

Salespeople often get a bad rap. We hear terms like “close a sale” and we might cringe at the thought of a pushy salesperson trying to cram us into making a purchase that we don’t need, don’t want, or can’t afford. But, the reality is that in our own home businesses, we often need to encourage clients or customers to make a decision about purchasing our products or services. So, even if you don’t want to think of yourself as a salesperson, you will still need to learn some skills for encouraging others to make a decision about your business. … Continue reading

Reason I am Glad I Homeschool: School Decisions

My heart bleeds right now for the parents of all the kids that were hurt and killed this week during tornadoes. Days like this make me pull mine closer, and make me very glad we homeschool. I realize the parents of these kids could do nothing to protect them, and I fault no one in the disasters, but when my kids were in school, I remember to trauma that was caused to my kids and me, just from a tornado warning. I would not wish days like that on my worst enemy. Four years ago, when my kids were in … Continue reading