Slipcovers Are Your Friends

If you asked me 10 years ago what I thought about slipcovers I would have simply answered: “I don’t.” Slipcovers? You mean those things that grandmothers and neat freaks cover their sofas with? No way, they were not on my decorating radar. Fast forward to today, and here I am writing a blog about slipcovers and (gasp!) how they’ve become wonderful attributes to my household. So what changed? I gave birth. Contrary to popular belief, the fact that my water broke on our unprotected sofa wasn’t the moment I became a slipcover convert. I think it may have been after … Continue reading

Decor Tips: Small Spaces

Decorating small spaces does not have to be an exercise in frustration. Small spaces can be just as comfortable and stylish as larger ones. All it takes is some creativity, efficient use of space, and an eye for detail. These simple ideas will help you pull your small rooms together and make them feel more inviting. To make a small room appear and feel larger, start with a light or bright color. Use this color throughout the space. Painting shelves, furniture and any other large items the same color as the walls will cause them to blend in rather than … Continue reading