Designing The Perfect Mother’s Day Flower Arrangement

What mother wouldn’t appreciate receiving a beautiful bouquet of flowers on Mother’s Day? Yesterday my 3-year-old presented me with a heap of crunchy grass blades and declared the “bouquet” my Mother’s Day present. I did what any other self-effacing mother would have done: thanked her with a kiss on the cheek then placed the blades in a pretty pink bowl (where some of them continue to float this morning). Let’s face it; flowers (and other greens) are the most popular gifts to give on Mother’s Day. Whether you pick a bunch of blooms from your own backyard (preferably not the … Continue reading

How About Some Leather Floors?

Have you ever considered covering your floors with banana leaves? How about leather, or cork? Some homeowners are not only considering it, they’re doing it. A recent survey done by the Home Depot design team revealed that leather flooring is the hottest new trend in interior decorating. Designers say the material is so popular because it looks different a year later and naturally absorbs sound. I wasn’t kidding about the banana leaf option either. Rugs are being made out of banana leaves to mimic silk flooring. The leaves are especially popular among homeowners who are concerned with using environmentally friendly … Continue reading

Remodeling On A Budget—The Kitchen

I love strolling through home improvement stores and taking mental notes of all of the luxuries I hope to add to my own home… when I win the lottery. Kidding aside, I often bemoan the fact my house lacks the luxurious updates that my friend’s enjoy. I figured it would take nothing short of a financial miracle for me to add the improvements I dreamed of. However, last month I learned how wrong I was. One of the dad’s in my daughter’s playgroup is an architect who happens to have the inside track on how to make remodeling more affordable. … Continue reading

More Paint Tips

Yesterday, I posted a couple of blogs regarding painting your home’s interior and exterior. I also listed a few popular color choices. Today my sister-in-law (our resident interior designer) called to tell me she read the blogs and had a few more ideas. I often defer to her suggestions so this phone call was not at all unusual. According to my lovely sister-in-law, “Eco-Luxe” is another hot color palette this year. As its name suggests the colors reflect all that is natural. The colors include Wildwood Stables, Giant Sequoia, Spruce Hollow, Water Fowl, Timbermine, Woonsocket Bronze and Bulldog. The colors … Continue reading

My Home Is A Stage

If the world is a stage then my home should be considered an off-off-off Broadway theatre. Ever since my daughter could say “ta-da,” she’s been using our home as her stage. From dancing hula to singing her favorite nursery rhymes, her nightly routines have become fan favorites around here. Of course, if one is going to perform for a crowd of well-wishers (most of which are stuffed and have four legs), then naturally one needs a proper place to showcase such stellar talent. No, we didn’t construct an actual stage for her (she prefers standing on her bed), but I … Continue reading

Popular Paint Choices

Recently I wrote several blogs about getting your home in shape for the New Year. I also revealed that one of my New Year’s resolutions is to experiment with different wall colors. (Hence this blog about paint.) If you are looking to spruce up your home this year you may want to consider a paint job. After all, one of the easiest and least expensive ways to give a room a new look is with paint. According to the research I have done, there are several color themes for 2007 that are outshining the competition. I tend to be a … Continue reading

Interchangeable Holiday Decorations?

You might not think of holiday decorations as being interchangeable. After all, each holiday has its own purpose and generally its own themes as well as certain traditional colors. While any color can be used and trends vary throughout the years, there are certain colors associated with each. Thanksgiving tends to include earth tones, Christmas red, white, and green, Easter pastels, and so on. Yet, there are different shades and tones as well as neutrals that can be used for most any occasion. One example is deep red. Golden brown turkey looks enticing sitting atop a warm, red tablecloth at … Continue reading

Decorating Rut?

If you have the urge to make changes in your décor but can’t seem to get motivated, maybe it’s just a matter of not knowing where to start. A little inspiration can go a long way, so try to find something to get you going. Inspiration and Designer Influence Get Decorating is a cool site for home decorating inspiration, offering tens of thousands of photos of professionally decorated homes. Even if you don’t love the entire room or home, you will likely to come across something that you find attractive. The way these spaces are designed may also help you … Continue reading

Creating A White Christmas–Indoors

In previous blogs I listed ways you could add a few touches of nature to your home’s holiday décor. Some people living in warmer climates may have a harder time finding some of the items needed to pull off a completely “natural” look. If that’s the case with you–don’t fret–this blog’s for you. I grew up in Hawaii, where the closest thing we had to a true white Christmas was a flocked tree. (Which was technically more silver than white and only stood in our living room for one year–that’s all it took before my mother decided we would “never … Continue reading

Holiday Decorating Reminders

You’ve read blogs about it. Most of you have seen it for yourselves. At this point there is simply no escaping it. The holidays are coming and most (if not all) of the Christmas and Hanukkah related merchandise is already proudly displayed at local retailers. In a previous blog I made a comment about the timing of the holiday décor, but now I’ve decided to take a different approach. I figure if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em. With that public confession out of the way here is my first list (more will follow as we creep closer to the … Continue reading